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Input gear 24 teeth straight cut.

Evolution Straight cut 24 tooth input gear.

This gear usually has two identification rings on gear teeth.

Achievable drop gear ratios when using our Evolution gears:
22 tooth primary - 30 tooth idler - 25 tooth input = 1.136-1
24 tooth primary - 30 tooth idler - 24 tooth input = 1.0-1
23 tooth primary - 30 tooth idler - 23 tooth input = 1.0-1
24 tooth primary - 30 tooth idler - 25 tooth input = 1.0416-1
23 tooth primary - 30 tooth idler - 24 tooth input = 1.0434-1
22 tooth primary - 30 tooth idler - 23 tooth input = 1.045-1
23 tooth primary - 30 tooth idler - 25 tooth input = 1.0869-1
22 tooth primary - 30 tooth idler - 24 tooth input = 1.09-1
24 tooth primary - 30 tooth idler - 23 tooth input = 0.958-1


Input gear 24 teeth straight cut

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